The Burning of Blessed Candles is Beneficial
To the Suffering Souls

The tombs, particularly those of the martyrs and saints, were adorned even at the time of the early persecutions. Hence St. Thomas, with St. John Damascene, declared that oil was among the gifts offered in early times for the relief of the departed. In the middle ages the custom prevailed and in certain countries, for instance in Southern Germany, has descended to our times, the custom, namely, of burning lamps on the graves throughout the year, or at least during certain seasons of the year. The Church sanctions this pious practice by recognizing provisions for this purposes, and by burning numerous lights at all her solemnities. This custom is observed particularly in places of pilgrimage, in convents, etc., where a number of lamps are kept burning day and night during Triduums or Novenas for the souls in Purgatory.
Finally, examples are not wanting to prove that this pious custom is acceptable to the souls in Purgatory, and legendary lore knows of touching incidents showing that God Himself sometimes gave evidence of His approval of this practice. A lamp at the tomb of St. Thomas the apostle continued burning during the fiercest storms, sometimes even after the oil was consumed. The same is related concerning St. Gregory and St. Constantine. The efforts of the evil spirit to extinguish the lamps of St. Genevieve, in Paris, were ineffectual; the symbol of virginity continued to shed its light.
A deceased person appeared to a relative and complained bitterly that the customary number of candles had not been offered at his funeral. Also, that pitiful moaning was heard in a house where it had been neglected one Saturday to light the customary “Poor Souls’ Candle.” A priest vouches for the following which he related to the author: A peasant of his acquaintance attempted during three nights to steal fruit from his neighbor’s orchard. Every time he came near the place, a light either came toward him, or moved in a circle around the house. Later he confessed his guilt to the owner, observing that the latter must have a vigilant guard. The man replied that he knew of no guard, except that it was his custom to burn a candle every evening for the Suffering Souls, and that these grateful spirits must have guarded his property.
(taken from Charity for the Suffering Souls
by Tan Books and Publishers)
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